
Beykoz University (GOLD)




  • - 3+1, 7+1 Internship Enriched Curriculum Framework 
  • - Student Centered Education and Training 
  • - Strong Academic Infrastructure 
  • - Internationally Recognized Quality Assurance 

  “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” Educational philosophy of the Famous educational scientist John Dewey is also the foundation of our university’s educational philosophy and unique education teaching model. We want our students to associate what they have learned in university with those in real life, to be able to apply what they have learned and to be in real life in the course of their education. For this reason, as part of our education and training programs, internship is compulsory in our curriculum. Our students spend at least one semester in a workplace operating in their field. We implement the model of 7 plus 1 semester internship for our bachelor’s degree programmes, 6 plus 2 semester internships for our four-year high school programmes, 3 plus 1 semester internship for vocational degree programmes and we’ll make sure that our students are at work for at least one semester. Internship process is being managed by the Internship Coordination Unit of the University. 

  Quality, excellence and sustainability are very important for our university. Beykoz University provides “International Quality Assurance” to all students with a curriculum program in harmony with international universities and at comparable quality. 

  “Student Centered Education and Training Education” is an important building 


  • - Competency Development Program 
  • - Comprehensive Personal Development Programs and Activities 
  • - Academic Counseling and Career Planning 
  • - Success Follow-Up System 
  • - Certificate of Competency Development 
  • - Europass Documents and Certificates 
  • - Alumni Follow-Up and Support System 
  • - Life-long Learning Support 

  The rapidly developing and changing business world and social needs have made it necessary for all students to develop themselves individually outside learning areas. Our university gives private education and support for its students to gain competencies such as leadership, entrepreneurship, innovativeness, written and oral communication skills, social responsibility, effective and productive work with others, etc., expressed as 21st century competencies. Our students’ competencies, which are open for improvement, are defined in the beginning of their education life and the areas to be improved are supported by “Competency Development” and “Personal Development” Programs. “Graduation Certificate” is given to our students, which shows their level of competence, along with their diplomas. 

  Also with Academic Counseling and Success Follow-Up Systems the courses that our students need to be supported in are also determined and personalized support is needed. With Life-long Learning Programs, our students can improve themselves in the areas they need and have a certificate. 


  • - Education Closely Linked with the Business World 
  • - Participation of Students in Research Projects 
  • - Well Equipped Laboratories and Workshops 
  • - At Least 1 Semester Internship 

  Business organizations and institutions are the main stakeholders of our university. The vast majority of our Board of Trustees consists of successful managers of the business world. Within the context of our advisory boards formed at the level of universities, faculties and programs there are also distinguished representatives of the business world and they contribute to the creation of curriculum in line with the needs and expectations of the business world. 

  Our students improve their skills and strengthen their employment opportunities during their education and training with well-equipped laboratory and workshop facilities with internship in their fields at least for 1 semester by attending in researches and projects in which our university gets involved in. 


  • - Informatics Literacy 
  • - Big Data Research Techniques 
  • - Mobile Technologies 
  • - E-learning 
  • - Maker Culture 

  Usage of Advanced Technology is one of building blocks of Beykoz University’s teaching and learning approach. Reaching the exact information from data depending on the rapid development of communication and information technologies, evaluating these data and producing solutions is a competency that our students in all departments acquire. 

  In order to solve the real-life problems, our students are given the ability of reaching information, accessing information from different sources, identifying strategies and methods for how information can be obtained and interpreting this information. 

  Thanks to this strategy and method finding phenomenon we teach to our students, our students are always encouraged to participate to “maker movement” that combines “technology” and “do it yourself” culture, which is spreading far and wide all around the world, as well as transitioning from consumption to production, from memorized knowledge to experience and not setting limits to their dreams. 

  Our students, after their education at our university, have the chance to continue their life-long education by means of distance learning methods which are developed with technology today, to access to learning materials and to determine the speed and intensity of learning in terms of their priorities. 


  • - Multinational, Multicultural Campus and Classroom Environment 
  • - International Exchange Programs 
  • - At Least 1 Semester Study Abroad 
  • - Internship Abroad 
  • - Joint/Dual Degree Programs with Overseas Universities 

   Beykoz University provides a multicultural, international environment with foreign students while offering international opportunities and recognition to its students through partnerships and collaborations that it has developed with other countries. 

  Acquisition of learning in all the programs of our university and the lessons associated with these acquisitions, are associated with European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework. After graduation, our students receive Diploma Supplement, which is one of the Bologna Process requirements that aims to create the European Higher Education Area, in which our country also participates, and “EuroPass” certificate, which makes the skills and the competences of European citizens clear and comprehensible. These documents, given in addition to the diploma, help the related institutions and organizations in recognizing diplomas and grades of Beykoz University graduates abroad. 

  With its international exchange programs and bilateral agreements, our university offers its students the opportunities of studying abroad one or two semesters, and also provides opportunity of internship abroad, degree completion and joint degree.


   Beykoz University opened its doors in 2008 and since then it is an international, new generation, quality-oriented, university which represents an innovative vision for higher education with the structure it built its strong history of vocational higher education on.

Our Mission

  “To be a universal university that learns and contributes to learning and to society through learning.”


   Beykoz University, in the center of all its institutional activities and services, pursue the core values and principles below; 

  • - Search and contribute to knowledge 
  • - Academic autonomy, freedom and responsibility 
  • - Being student, employee and stakeholder oriented 
  • - Participation and being open to share 
  • - Creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurship 
  • - Respect towards human rights and freedom, pluralism and diversity 
  • - Being international in all areas of engagement 
  • - Social and societal responsibility 
  • - Transparency and accountability 
  • - Continuous learning, improving, advancing and searching for excellence.

Campus Life


   Beykoz University continues its education in five campuses in Beykoz Kavacık, Istanbul. Designed specifically for our educational models with a safe environment, modern infrastructure, these campuses are built according to the academic and social lives of students. Canteens, library, laboratories and workshops; infirmaries have all the facilities that should be available on a university campus with their sportive activities. The activities of student clubs, conferences, concerts, exhibitions, interviews and other activities create a rich culture, arts and entertainment atmosphere at our university. 

  Our university will be moved to Mahmut Şevket Paşa Village, located in Beykoz, on a 80-decare land, and will continue to serve as a campus university in the coming years. The campus area selected among many architectural projects will meet all needs of students with laboratories, social-cultural areas, sports centers, library and dormitories. Choose Beykoz University and graduate from an exemplary campus. 


  The Health, Culture and Sports Directorate organizes sports teams that include our students, academics and administrative staff through our university teams and student clubs, and participates in special inter-university and regional competitions. 

  During the 2018-2019 academic semester, our teams organized various activities and participated in tournaments and competitions by organizing various activities and participating in tournaments and competitions, and achieved success in different branches for our university. The biggest of these achievements, our futsal team was Turkey Champions. Our team of Futsal participated in Unilig Futsal Men Tournament held in Turkey in 2019 and came 1st which was a great happiness for our university. As a valuable member of our university, you can enjoy winning trophies by entering one of these teams! 

  As Health, Culture and Sports Directorate, we aim to establish our fencing, athletics, kick boxing, snowboarding, cycling, wrestling, billiards, shooting, chess and tennis teams, and we will be happy to see you among us. 


  Culture-art activities are also held at Beykoz University that enable our students to complete their personal development in many ways; general culture and art accumulation is supported by various activities. Our Theater Club, founded by our students who are interested in art; exhibited the plays that they rehearsed throughout the year both on the stage of our university and on various stages of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality City Theaters. In 2017, the play "A Marriage Proposal" by Anton Chekhov and the "Chained Prometheus" plays of Aiskhylos in 2018 were staged. In 2019, the theater play called “Liar Wanted” was staged at the Ahmet Mithat Efendi Cultural Center under the direction of our graduate students Burak Yılmaz and Uğurcan Turgut. Our students, who successfully stage theater plays, participate in various art events and theater competitions with these plays. 

  Our Literature Club students announce an important poet / writer as “the artist of the month” every month on social media; organizes cultural events in order to read the works of the determined artist. Students of this club also bring art lovers together on certain days and weeks, on the birth / death anniversaries of important literary artists, and in conversation events. 


  Our university continues its education life in four different campuses in Beykoz Kavacık and currently continues its campus construction in Mahmut Şevket Paşa Village in Beykoz; it offers accommodation opportunities to students in agreement with private dormitories in the district of Beykoz. Various payment / discount facilities are also provided on behalf of our university for our students who will stay in these dormitories. 


  In line with the philosophy “Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself” the clubs created by students at Beykoz University

  • AHBAP Club, Cooking Club, Search and Rescue Club, Research and Development Club, Beşiktaş Club, Science and Fantasy Fiction Club, Information Technology Club, Environment and Energy Club, Cartoon and Animation Club, Computer Engineering Club, Dance Club, Maritime Club, Nature Sports Club, Literature Club, E-Sports and Game Club, Photography Club, Gastronomy Club, Young Entrepreneurs Club, GenççKal Club, Public Relations Club, Aviation Club, Business Club, Management Engineering Club, Occupational Health and Safety Club, Women's Club, Logistics Club, Architecture Club, Music Club, Game Development Club, Psychology Club, Rail Systems Club, Chess Club, Health Desk Club, Cyber ​​Club, Cinema Club, Water Sports Club, Social Services Club, History Club, Design Club, Theater Club, Community A total of 44 clubs including volunteers, Software Engineering, Yeniler Club and University Fenerbahçeliler Community, 

  These clubs color and shape social and cultural life at our university with their activities. The number of clubs is constantly increasing with the participation of our new students. The activities of our student clubs are shared with all students, academic and administrative staff from the “Beykoz Events” social media accounts. The students who take part in the student clubs, which are also simulations of business life, take charge in clubs in order to take responsibility, develop their talents, work as a team, and perform extra-curricular activities to meet social and cultural needs. You can either join the club of your choice or lead the forming of a club of your choice! 

Technical Trips 

  Technical Trips give the opportunity to examine the theoretical and practical training received by our students practically in companies. In these previously planned technical trips, our students get the opportunity to learn what they would like to know about by asking company officials questions.



Students Number


Faculties Number


Campus Number


Associate Programs Number


Bachelor Programs Number


Acceptance Programs Number


Master Programs Number

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